Revolutionize .NET Development with Open-Source Low-Code Framework

Turbocharge your .NET application development with the first Open-Source .NET Low-Code Development Platform. From simple CRUD applications to intricate enterprise solutions, unleash your creativity and speed up business application creation like never before!

Why Use Shesha?

Drag and drop your way to faster and more effective business solutions

Open Source

  • Open-source MIT license
  • No license fees. No lock-in

For .NET Developers

  • Use your existing .NET skills and favorite tools
  • Visual Studio, VS Code, Git. No need for new tools or devs environments


  • Fully extensible and without limits
  • Extend your back-end on .NET Core, and your front-end with React
How Shesha works

Step 1 - Create your domain classes

Create your domain model by extending from standard entities (e.g. Organisation, Person, Site) or creating your own.

Step 2 - CRUD APIs get generated automatically

The Shesha framework automatically generates CRUD APIs from your entities avoiding repetitive boilerplate code for standard CRUD functionality.

Step 3 - Drag & drop your user interface

Drag & drop your way to fully functional user interfaces with Shesha’s extensive range of components and bind them to your APIs.

Step 4 - Extend with custom code

Extend your application to meet the most demanding of requirements by using the same tech and tools you are used to (C# on the back-end and React on the front-end).